Given below health age calculator to calculate your biological age. The human body has two different ages: chronological age and biological age. Biological age test will estimate your body's real age. It is a measure of how well or poorly your body is functioning relative to your actual calendar age which is calculated from the date of birth (DOB).Which of the following statements about physiological age and chronological age is TRUE? A. Physiological age and chronological age are always the same. B. Physiological age can be lower than, the same as, or higher than chronological age. C. Physiological age can be lower than chronological age, but never higher. D.All of the options are true. Several legal issues have age requirements. Chronological age is also important when it comes to getting informed consent from a client. Chronological age provides a...Understand the difference between senior age groups (young-old, middle-old, and old-old). Describe the "greying of Canada" as the population experiences increased life expectancies. Examine aging as a global issue. 13.2. The Process of Aging. Consider the biological, social, and psychological changes in aging.Which of the following statements about physiological age and chronological age is TRUE? A. Physiological age and chronological age are always the same. B. Physiological age can be lower than, the same as, or higher than chronological age. C. Physiological age can be lower than chronological age, but never higher. D. Physiological age cannot be
Which of the following statements about physiological age
Let's take up a short example, Michael is born on September 3rd, 1986 and he gets teste on February 4 2015. What is his chronological age on February 4 2015? Chronological age formula = Year / Month /Day of Testing Date - Year / Month / Day of Birth Date. Chronological age = (2015 / 02 / 04) - (1986 / 09 / 03). Which means that Michael is:Which of the following statements about segmentation by age is correct? a) For most products, it can effectively be used as a single stand alone basis for segmentation. b) Although it is easy to measure it is difficult to estimate how many people in a particular age bracket live in a particular town or country.A. Physiological age and chronological age are always the same.A) Mature creativity simply requires originality. B) Adult expertise often interferes with creativity. of "career age," not chronological age.

Quiz & Worksheet - Chronological Age |
The last episode of the BBC/ABC show How to Stay Young featured Richard's story (from 4.45 minutes in). While a compelling story, it's not entirely clear how these ages were calculated.The following statement about physiological age and chronological age is TRUE: Physiological age can be lower than, the same as, or higher than chronological age. Log in for more information. Added 5/27/2014 4:24:40 PMSubtract that from 43——your true biological age is 39! If your final score is +15, divide that by 10 and you'll get +1 1/2. That means your true age is 44 1/2.A. Physiological age and chronological age are always the same.A. Physiological age and chronological age are always the same.
Question and answer
Which of the following statements about physiological age and chronological age is TRUE? A. Physiological age and chronological age are all the time the similar. B. Physiological age can also be less than, the same as, or higher than chronological age. C. Physiological age can be less than chronological age, however by no means higher. D. Physiological age can't be altered, however chronological age can alternate according to way of life choices.
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