Each jovian planet has distinct cloud layers, with altitudes dictated by the atmospheric levels at which various gases can condense into liquid droplets or solid flakes. JUPITER AND SATURN CLOUD LAYERS: Ammonia clouds (150° K) Ammonium Hydrosulfide clouds (200° K)Why does Jupiter have three distinct layers of clouds? The three layers represent clouds made of gases that condense at different temperatures. Which of the following best explains why many jovian moons have been more geologically active than the Moon or Mercury?Atmosphere Jupiter's appearance is a tapestry of colorful cloud bands and spots. The gas planet likely has three distinct cloud layers in its "skies" that, taken together, span about 44 miles (71 kilometers). The top cloud is probably made of ammonia ice, while the middle layer is likely made of ammonium hydrosulfide crystals.Jupiter seems to have at least three major cloud layers made out of different chemicals. Each layer sits at an altitude where the temperature is cold enough for the respective chemicals to condense. The highest layer, where it's the coldest, is composed of bright, white clouds of ammonia crystals. The next layer consists of ammoniaJupiter's core. Details about Jupiter's core remain a challenge to find. Scientists think that the dense central core may be surrounded by a layer of metallic hydrogen, with another layer of
Chapter 11 Quiz - Why does Jupiter have three distinct
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System.It is a gas giant with a mass one-thousandth that of the Sun, but two and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System combined. Jupiter is the third-brightest natural object in the Earth's night sky after the Moon and Venus.It has been observed since pre-historic times and is named after the RomanWhy does Jupiter have several distinct cloud layers? asked Mar 7, 2020 in Physics & Space Science by Smile92. A) Different gases are present at different altitudes in Jupiter's atmosphere. B) Clouds form randomly, so on average there are always several layers.Jupiter is highly oblate (flattened). Plus, Jupiter has a very high rotation rate (once every 9.8 hours). These two facts combine to tell us that Jupiter has a very small solid core. Jupiter's interior consists mostly of hydrogen and helium. These elements are gaseous at the top of Jupiter's atmosphere down to several thousand kilometers.Cloud composition Jupiter's clouds are formed at different altitudes in the planet's atmosphere. Except for the top of the Great Red Spot, the white clouds are the highest, with cloud-top temperatures of about 120 kelvins (K; −240 °F, or −150 °C).

In Depth | Jupiter - NASA Solar System Exploration
The thermosphere is heated by particles from the magnetosphere, as well as by the sun, and has no defined top. The outermost layer of Jupiter's atmosphere is the exosphere, where gas particles canThe cloud pattern on Jupiter is the visible system of colored cloud tops in the atmosphere of the planet Jupiter, remarkable for its stability. Astronomers have given names to parts of this pattern, using the word zone for the light stripes, and belt for the dark stripes, along various latitudes. The pattern and intensity of its belts and zones are famously variable, often changing markedly13) Why does Jupiter have several distinct cloud layers? A) Different layers represent clouds made of gases that condense at different temperatures. B) Different layers represent the various regions where the temperature is cool enough for liquid water to condense. C) Different gases are present at different altitudes in Jupiter's atmosphere.Jupiter's Cloud Layers The first layer of clouds is made of ammonia crystals that have frozen over. They look like circus clouds at fist, but they are actually made of much smaller particles than our own clouds back on Earth. Above these clouds you have a very thick fog.A) Different layers represent clouds made of gases that condense at different temperatures. A) Methane does not condense into ice in the warmer atmospheric temperatures of Jupiter and Saturn.
To many faculty youngsters, Jupiter is the king planet, at least in our sun system. It was the center of attention for its gigantic measurement and up to now it used to be thought that no other planet might be larger. Some other people even thought of Jupiter as a liveable planet. It's not the case today.
Jupiter is almost solely made from hydrogen. You can never live to tell the tale it. The last 15% of the planet is made up of helium and different gases. What is extraordinary about Jupiter is that phosphine, water vapor, and ammonia, can condense in its surface. And after they do, it ends up in a very risky local weather. There is water on Jupiter however nobody is aware of for sure how solid it's over there. When space undertaking Galileo hovered over Jupiter's clouds in 1995, it was once identified that water at the plant wasn't a lot.
Jupiter's Great Red Spot
Jupiter's floor is swept by means of storms and powerful winds. These move on for an extended length. In truth storms are so much part of the planet's setting that they have change into a surface function: probably the most visual storm system is the Great Red Spot. Experts say the GRS is a massive cloud formation. The GRS has twisted fingers that pass in each and every direction, with a strong surroundings underneath.
From the deep surroundings wet air rises to a skinny section within the middle of the GRS. From right here the "hands" swirl and reach out to the highest of the clouds. You can well consider a big sprinkler. This reminds you of a storm again on planet Earth, but the only in Jupiter is definitely masses of instances more large.
Jupiter's Cloud Layers
The first layer of clouds is made of ammonia crystals that have frozen over. They seem like circus clouds at fist, but they're in reality made from a lot smaller particles than our personal clouds back on Earth. Above these clouds you have an excessively thick fog. This layer is thought to be made up of hydrocarbon droplets. You can see the similar wrapping around the moons of Saturn.
When you look down underneath the layer of suppose ammonia clouds, you'll see any other layer. Though not fairly certain what that is, mavens consider this deposit is made up of hydrogen sulphide clouds. If no longer, there's an added padding of water-filled clouds.
Scientists from Oxford University have studied those layers and have proposed that the outermost layer is nearly fully made up of molecular hydrogen, liquid rock, and liquid metal hydrogen. This is so because steel hydrogen thrives even at very prime force.
Jupiter's satellites
Jupiter has Sixteen satellites in all. Each is as giant as 6 miles or 10 kilometers in diameter. Jupiter has smaller satellites, too.
Meanwhile, Io hosts energetic volcanoes stuffed with gases and sulfur. Io's floor is mainly made up of sulfur. Europa, the smallest satellite at 1, 945 miles (3, 130 kilometers), has a fantastic and icy surface. Jupiter's biggest satellite tv for pc is Ganymede (3, 273 miles). It is bigger than Mercury. Callisto (2, 986 miles) is a bit of smaller than Mercury. Ganymede and Callisto are made up of rocky components and ice. They also are stuffed with large craters.
An ongoing space undertaking to Jupiter is predicted to deliver back more revealing discoveries.
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