More than 90% of the world's nuclear weapons are in the US and Russian inventories. ranks the countries with the biggest The United States was the first nation to develop a nuclear weapon and is the only state to deploy nuclear weapons against another country.Lindsey Graham we (the United States) are in a state of war. Democrats completely violated the separation Trump is being skewed by Twitter. The pending new truth-channel is going to give Trump more A lot of people will be taken down for pedophilia in the United States in the next six years.(CNN) The United States. Home to liberty, the pursuit of happiness and the most mass shootings in the The number of firearms available to American civilians is estimated at more than 393 million Read More. India is home to the second-largest civilian firearm stockpile, estimated at 71.1 million.The nuclear-weapon states (NWS) are the five states—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, and the United States—officially recognized as possessing nuclear weapons by the NPT. FAS estimates approximately 3,800 stockpiled warheads and 2,000 retired warheads awaiting...The United States of America. As mentioned earlier, the US was the first country to possess nuclear capabilities. At the height of the Cold War, the US has some 29,000 nuclear weapons. After World War II, the US became more secretive, and the UK wanted a nuclear weapon of their own, both as a...
CIA, Deep State, Arrests & Military Tribunals - BattleForWorld
The United States promoted the Baruch Plan , which proposed the elimination of existing The treaty—to which more than 150 states later adhered—prohibited nuclear tests or explosions in the The UN has been active in attempting to eliminate other weapons of mass destruction of a variety of...While the United States had been increasingly stockpiling nuclear weapons since 1945, the Soviet Union only started the same process around 1965, and even strongly since 1975. Only by 1990, did the soviet union reach the 10,000 weapons mark that the US had already achieved in 1971.More importantly, Trump did not specify what the "orderly transition" means. He didn't say there would be a transition to Biden being installed as president. The only question remaining is whether the United States of America is dead as well, and we won't know He has also stockpiled 10,000 kg of...This disclosure helped document that the United States was not hiding retired weapons but actually The United States or its allies are not suffering or at a disadvantage because the nuclear stockpile The decision also puts the United States in an even more disadvantageous position for next year's...

Gun statistics in America: US gun culture vs. the world in charts - CNN
Some states have taken steps to ban or strictly regulate ownership of assault weapons. Laws vary by state but California, for example, has banned ownership of assault weapons with limited exceptions. Some controls are widely supported by people across the political divide - such as restricting the sale...Handguns were the weapons most likely to kill you, but they were associated by the public with Banning sales of military-style weapons resonated with both legislators and the public: Civilians did Mr. Landrieu and Mayor Michael A. Nutter of Philadelphia are founders of Cities United, a network of......nuclear weapons stockpiles of the Russian Federation and of the United States and to secure in Europe, the LEP is supposed to increase the operational life of these weapons by 20 to 30 years. [54] The most recent National Research Council report on nuclear weapons testing states that...Throughout World War II, the United States relied mainly on its strong industrial base for processing and Determining the stockpile requirements had become more political during this period. This stockpile release was in the form of a loan rather than a sale (Office of Emergency Planning, 1970)...The United States wants the rogue regime to give up its nuclear-weapons ambitions, and President Donald And so the potential summit puts into motion the most significant development in years of intermittent North Korea is one of nine nations to have stockpiled nuclear weapons - about 14...
I'm first going to suppose we are talking about nuclear weapons.
In looking into this, it seems like the US stockpiled a lot more than 10,000 warheads by 1971. Here's the chart:
(*10*) to the chart, the US had 10,000 warheads by roughly 1958 (with kind of half being "strategic nuclear weapons" - or ones that were to be used to bomb enemy territory - and the other half being "non-strategic nuclear weapons" which can be sometimes called "tactical nuclear weapons" and are used in battlefield scenarios on disputed territory).
Let's compare this to the Russians/Soviets:
The Russians/Soviets hit the 10,000 warhead mark at about 1968, with maximum of them being tactical warheads.
Since the question is calling about "10,000 warheads", I'll table out when each country reached 10,000 warheads, relating to general, Strategic, and Tactical (these are coming off the charts and are my best wager studying them):
#(("Year","USA S", "USA T", "USA Total", "USSR S", "USSR T", "USSR Total"),(1958,5500,4500,color(blue)10000,500,500,1000),(1959,7000,colour(blue)10000,17000,500,500,1000),(1965,color(blue)10000,22000,32000,1000,5000,6000),(1968,17000,13000,30000,2000,8000,colour(purple)10000),(1970,12000,14000,26000,3000,color(red)10000,13000),(1983,14000,10000,24000,color(pink)10000,26000,36000))#
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